What if I told you that every single person has a valuable course topic inside them just waiting to be turned into a multi-million dollar business?!

(it's true - yes EVEN you!)

You just need to find out where your…

Life experience

Passions + skills

Sellable ideal “outcome” 💸


That's where I come in!

Hi, I'm Amie!

$9M+ online course creator,

former holistic nutritionist, minimalist-turned-luxury traveler, astrology lover and reality TV enthusiast

My superpower is teaching YOU how to turn your unique interests + life experience into a million-dollar course idea.

Over the past 6 years i've created 8+ online courses on topics ranging from minimalism to nutrition to digital nomadism to human design + more...

So I GUARANTEE you have something valuable + profitable to teach, also 😉 Let's find out what that is!

(for the first time EVER!)

My brand new FREE mini course that teaches you my step-by-step process to discovering your million-dollar course topic idea (and how to sell it) 💸

Yup...it's FREE!

(but not for long!)

What You'll Learn:

• What makes a profitable course topic

• How to come up with your mission statement

• Examples of BAD course topics

• How to choose your own profitable course topic

• How to SELL it

• Hundreds of profitable course topic ideas in EVERY industry for you to choose from (if you are struggling to come up with your own!)

So even if you're thinking...

"I am not an expert in anything!"

"I know a lot about a subject - but will that make a good course topic?"

"Will people actually want to buy this???"

you are not alone.

The Online Course Academy® Bundle has helped 3500+ students create profitable (+ passive!) online courses in HUNDREDS of unique industries...

...So... why not you?

And you can get started for FREE today so you can get clear on your course topic before enrolling!